In this video, we'll discuss how you can set up scheduling and start filling your calendar. Here's what we'll cover - feel free to skip ahead to the parts that are most important to you:

  1. Connecting Your Google or Outlook Calendar ( 0:15 )
  2. Creating Your First Appointment Type ( 4:52 )
  3. Introducing Your Personal Scheduling Page ( 9:45 )
  4. Appointment Type Settings ( 13:42 )
    1. Basic Information ( 14:58 )
    2. Form Builder ( 15:22 )
    3. Availability ( 21:44 )
    4. Cancellation Emails ( 29:35 )
    5. Automatic Reminders ( 33:30 )
    6. Thank You Message ( 36:35 )
  5. Scheduling Your First Meeting or Appointment ( 38:48 )